My role at Pearson was part of an ongoing project where the goal is to re-design the current website and deliver a new and improved digital experience for Pearson Australia customers.
Throughout the design process, we constantly tested the design by speaking directly with our customers to ensure we where keeping them front and centre.
We tested the design by creating a functional mobile and desktop prototype using Figma which allowed us to make quick changes and updates based on the feedback we where getting from customers.
I was responsible for all aspects of the user interface as well as leading customer interviews, facilitating stakeholder workshops, collating prior research documents, liasing with third party vendors and ensuring the Pearson brand was in tact.
Client Pearson Role UX, UI Design Deliverables Co-faciliated research/interviews over a twelve month period, created a functional prototype for small and large devices, engaged with and presented to key stakeholders Tools Figma, Google docs, Askable